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American Beech

Tree species


The American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) is a long-lived tree species native to eastern North America, known for its ability to live up to 300 years. It typically grows between 50 to 80 feet tall, with some reaching up to 120 feet. The tree has a rounded crown and smooth, light gray bark that remains unchanged with age. Its leaves are elliptical with pointed tips and coarse teeth, turning golden yellow or copper-colored in autumn before persisting into winter. American Beech trees provide vital ecological services and food sources. They are shade-tolerant and often form the canopy in northern hardwood forests. The nuts produced by these trees are a crucial food source for wildlife, including squirrels, bears, and birds. Despite their importance, American Beech trees face threats from diseases like beech bark disease and beech leaf disease. They require well-drained soils and are sensitive to pollution, making them a sensitive indicator of environmental health.