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Aurora Borealis, Arctic Circle


The Aurora boreal, also known as the Northern Lights, is a breathtaking natural phenomenon that can be observed in the Círculo Polar Ártico, the Arctic Circle. This spectacular display of colored lights dancing across the night sky is caused by charged particles from the sun interacting with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. The resulting spectacle is a mesmerizing display of swirling patterns and vibrant hues, ranging from soft greens and blues to vibrant reds and oranges. The Círculo Polar Ártico is a vast region surrounding the North Pole, spanning across the northernmost parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Canada. This remote and inhospitable environment is home to a unique and fragile ecosystem, characterized by harsh winters, limited sunlight, and a fragile balance of species adapted to the extreme conditions. The Aurora boreal is a fleeting and ephemeral event, often visible on clear nights from late August to early April, and its beauty and rarity make it a coveted experience for travelers and scientists alike.