Brené Brown
PersonBrené Brown is a renowned American research professor, author, and popular speaker who has dedicated her career to understanding and sharing the importance of human connection, vulnerability, and resilience. With a Ph.D. in social work from the University of Houston, Brown has spent over two decades studying topics such as shame, empathy, and wholehearted living. Her groundbreaking research has led to the publication of numerous books, including "The Gifts of Imperfection," "Daring Greatly," and "Rising Strong," which have become bestsellers and have been translated into numerous languages. Brown's work has also been featured in various media outlets, including TED Talks, podcasts, and television shows. Her TED Talks, such as "The Power of Vulnerability" and "Listening to Shame," have been viewed millions of times and have helped to establish her as a leading voice on topics related to human psychology and personal growth. Through her research and writing, Brown has helped millions of people around the world to develop a greater understanding of themselves and others, and to cultivate a more compassionate and empathetic approach to life. Her work has also been praised by experts in the field and has been recognized with numerous awards and honors.