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Programming language


Cis a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is widely used for developing a variety of applications, including desktop, web, mobile, and gaming applications. Cis closely integrated with the .NET framework, which allows it to leverage the Common Language Runtime (CLR) for efficient execution across different platforms. Its versatility and ease of learning make it a popular choice among developers. Csupports advanced features like asynchronous programming, type safety, and rich library support, making it suitable for complex applications. It is cross-platform, with .NET Core enabling deployment on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Cis used in web development with frameworks like ASP.NET Core and is a primary language for Unity game development. Its strong community support and extensive documentation further enhance its appeal. Overall, Coffers a balance of simplicity, performance, and flexibility, making it a valuable tool in software development.