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Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal

Data breach

The Escándalo sobre los datos de Cambridge Analytica, a data breach of monumental proportions, shook the foundations of the digital world in 2018. This unprecedented incident involved the unauthorized harvesting of personal data from millions of Facebook users, which was then used to influence political outcomes and manipulate public opinion. The breach was perpetrated by Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics firm with ties to the Trump campaign, and its parent company, SCL Group. The extent of the breach was staggering, with an estimated 87 million Facebook users having their personal data compromised. The stolen data included sensitive information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and even personality traits, which were used to create highly targeted political advertisements. The breach sparked widespread outrage, with many calling for greater regulation of data privacy and stricter penalties for companies that engage in such egregious violations of user trust. The incident also led to a wave of lawsuits, regulatory investigations, and Congressional hearings, ultimately resulting in the downfall of Cambridge Analytica and a reevaluation of the digital landscape.