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Channel Island Fox

Animal species


The Channel Island Fox, scientifically known as Urocyon littoralis, is a small canid species endemic to six of the eight Channel Islands off the coast of southern California. It is a descendant of the mainland gray fox, but significantly smaller, weighing between 3 to 5 pounds. Each island hosts a unique subspecies, reflecting their evolutionary history. The foxes are primarily gray with rust-colored sides and white undersides, featuring distinctive facial patterns. Conservation efforts played a crucial role in the recovery of the Channel Island Fox. After being listed as endangered in 2004 due to predation by golden eagles and other threats, intensive programs involving captive breeding, removal of invasive predators, and habitat restoration led to their removal from the endangered list in 2016. Today, the species continues to thrive, with ongoing monitoring to ensure their survival. Despite their small size, they play a vital role as apex predators on the islands.