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Choco-Darien Forest Conservation Project

Conservation project


The Choco-Darien Forest Conservation Project is a pioneering initiative located in the Darién region of northwest Colombia. It covers 13,465 hectares of tropical rainforest, rich in biodiversity and home to over 500 species of birds and numerous endangered animals. The project is the first in Latin America to be implemented on collectively-owned land, with the Council of Afro-Colombian Communities of the Tolo River Basin (COCOMASUR) holding the land title. It aims to protect these ancestral lands from threats like selective logging and agriculture by leveraging carbon finance. The project supports sustainable livelihoods through activities such as improving agricultural practices and promoting small-scale enterprises. It also strengthens community governance and provides employment opportunities, with a focus on environmental conservation and community engagement. Over its 30-year lifespan, the project aims to prevent significant CO2 emissions, contributing to global climate change mitigation while preserving the region's unique biodiversity and cultural heritage.