Communism is a political and economic ideology that aims to create a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. It seeks to eliminate private property and class distinctions, advocating for a system where resources are managed by the state to ensure equal distribution of wealth and benefits. This ideology is rooted in the belief that capitalism inherently leads to inequality and exploitation, and it proposes a society where each person contributes according to their ability and receives according to their needs. Communism has been influential in shaping historical events, notably through the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in "The Communist Manifesto." It has been implemented in various forms, such as in the Soviet Union and China, often resulting in authoritarian governance. Despite its ideals of equality and communal living, communist systems have faced challenges related to efficiency, freedom, and the concentration of power. The ideology remains a significant force in global political discourse, reflecting ongoing debates about economic systems and social justice.