Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is a technology that generates both thermal and electrical energy by concentrating sunlight onto a receiver. This process involves using mirrors or reflectors to focus the sun's energy, converting it into high-temperature heat. The heat is then used to create steam, which drives a turbine to produce electricity. CSP systems are particularly effective for utility-scale projects and can be configured in various ways, including parabolic trough, power tower, Fresnel, and dish/engine systems. CSP technology offers several advantages, including the ability to store thermal energy for later use, making it a reliable source of power even during periods of low sunlight. This capability enhances its efficiency and flexibility compared to other renewable energy sources. CSP can also be integrated with other power sources to create hybrid plants, improving overall energy security. Additionally, CSP systems are renewable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, reducing carbon emissions and contributing to a cleaner energy mix.