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Death Star

Fictional space station


The Death Star is a fictional space station in the Star Wars universe, constructed by the Galactic Empire as a symbol of its power and control. It is a moon-sized battle station capable of destroying entire planets with its superlaser, which is powered by a hypermatter reactor and focuses energy through kyber crystals. The Death Star serves as a tool of fear, embodying the Tarkin Doctrine that terror can maintain order in the galaxy. The Death Star is equipped with numerous defenses, including turbolasers, laser cannons, ion cannons, and tractor beams. It also houses a significant fleet of TIE fighters and support craft. Despite its formidable defenses, the original Death Star was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance due to a deliberate design flaw. The Death Star's design and capabilities have become iconic in popular culture, symbolizing the power and tyranny of the Galactic Empire.