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Electricity is a fundamental concept in modern technology, powering a wide array of devices and systems. It is the flow of electrons from one atom to another, creating an electric current. This current is harnessed to energize equipment and power electronics, transforming industries and daily life. Electricity is derived from various sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources like solar and wind. The versatility of electricity allows it to be used in heating, lighting, communications, and computation, making it integral to modern industrial society. Electricity's impact extends across domestic, industrial, and medical fields. In homes, it powers appliances and entertainment systems. Industrially, it operates machinery and production processes. In the medical field, it powers diagnostic equipment and life-saving devices. The distribution of electricity involves a complex grid of power lines, energy stations, and transformers. As a secondary energy source, electricity is continuously evolving with advancements in renewable energy technologies, aiming to reduce environmental impact while meeting growing global demands.