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Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, is notable for its icy surface and geysers that indicate a subsurface ocean. Discovered in 1789 by William Herschel, it is about 500 kilometers in diameter and orbits Saturn at a distance of approximately 238,000 kilometers. The surface of Enceladus is primarily composed of water ice, with a smooth appearance due to geological activity. This activity includes cryovolcanic eruptions from "tiger stripes" at the south pole, which spew ice particles into space, contributing to Saturn's E ring. Enceladus's subsurface ocean, likely heated by tidal forces, makes it a promising site for astrobiological research. The Cassini spacecraft detected organic compounds and hydrothermal activity, suggesting conditions similar to those supporting life on Earth. The presence of water, energy sources, and organic materials under the ice shell has sparked interest in potential habitability. While no life has been detected, Enceladus remains a key target for future missions exploring the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Its unique environment offers insights into the potential for life beyond Earth.