Gelation is a process in which a liquid transforms into a semi-solid state, often involving the formation of a network of polymers. This phenomenon is crucial in food science for stabilizing and thickening desserts, maintaining their shape and texture. Gelation can occur through various mechanisms, including physical or chemical cross-linking of polymers. In food, gelation is commonly achieved using starches, which absorb moisture and swell when heated, or through the use of gelling agents like pectin or gelatin. Gelation is also observed in non-food applications, such as the formation of hydrogels from polysaccharides or microbial polysaccharides like gellan gum. These hydrogels have extensive applications due to their safety, biocompatibility, and ability to absorb significant amounts of solvent. The process of gelation is influenced by factors such as temperature, solvent conditions, and the type of polymers involved. It plays a key role in enhancing the texture and stability of various products, from desserts to pharmaceutical formulations.