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Hooded Eyes

Physical feature


Hooded eyes are a distinct physical feature characterized by excess skin folding over the upper eyelid, often from the brow bone to the lash line. This skin can partially or fully conceal the eyelid crease, making the eyes appear smaller or more closed. Hooded eyes can be inherited or develop over time due to aging, loss of skin elasticity, or anatomical factors. They are common in various ethnic groups and can be both aesthetically appealing and challenging for makeup application. The appeal of hooded eyes lies in their mysterious allure, which can add depth to one's gaze. Makeup techniques are often tailored to enhance this feature without overwhelming it. While some individuals may opt for cosmetic procedures to reveal more of the eyelid, hooded eyes are naturally beautiful and celebrated by many. They can make the eyes seem more subtle and intriguing, offering a unique canvas for subtle shading and eye makeup techniques.