Humpback Whales
Animal speciesAbout
Humpback whales are large baleen whales known for their distinctive body shape, long pectoral fins, and tubercles on their heads. They range from 12 to 16 meters in length and weigh about 36 metric tons. Humpbacks are recognized for their acrobatic surface behaviors, including breaching and lobtailing, which may serve as forms of play and communication. Their diet consists mainly of krill, small fish, and plankton, which they catch using a unique "bubble net" feeding technique. Humpback whales have made a significant recovery from overhunting due to international protection and conservation efforts. Once listed as endangered, many populations have rebounded, leading to a status change to "least concern" for some segments. However, threats like ship collisions and noise pollution still exist. Humpbacks are known for their complex songs and social behaviors, including elaborate courtship rituals. They migrate long distances between polar feeding grounds and tropical breeding areas, showcasing their remarkable adaptability and intelligence.