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Jean-Claude Duvalier


Jean-Claude Duvalier, also known as "Baby Doc," was the 19th President of Haiti, serving from 1971 until his exile in 1986. Born on July 3, 1951, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, he was the son of François Duvalier, also known as "Papa Doc," who ruled Haiti with an iron fist from 1957 until his death in 1971. Jean-Claude Duvalier was educated in Haiti and later in the United States, where he studied medicine at Boston University. As president, Jean-Claude Duvalier maintained a repressive regime, relying on his father's network of informers and secret police to maintain control. He was known for his lavish lifestyle, often spending millions of dollars on personal indulgences while the majority of Haitians lived in poverty. Despite his efforts to modernize the country's economy, his regime was marked by widespread human rights abuses, corruption, and economic stagnation. In 1986, after a popular uprising, Jean-Claude Duvalier fled to France, where he lived in exile until his death on October 4, 2014.