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Joffrey Baratheon



Joffrey Baratheon, portrayed by Jack Gleeson, is the eldest son of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister in the series Game of Thrones. He is infamous for his cruel and sadistic nature, often displaying a lack of empathy and a tendency to abuse his power. Joffrey's upbringing as a spoiled child contributes significantly to his personality, with his mother, Cersei, instilling in him a sense of entitlement and superiority over others. His engagement to Sansa Stark further complicates his life, as Sansa's loyalty is tested by Joffrey's constant cruelty. Joffrey's reign as king is marked by arbitrary decisions and a preference for violence, earning him widespread hatred. Despite his cruel nature, Joffrey is also depicted as cowardly and insecure, often seeking validation from his father, Robert, whom he struggles to impress. His actions lead to significant turmoil in King's Landing, including bread riots and public executions. While Joffrey is undoubtedly one of the most detested characters in Game of Thrones, his portrayal also invites analysis of the effects of upbringing and environment on character development.