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John Dewey



John Dewey was a renowned American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer born on October 20, 1859, in Burlington, Vermont. He is best known for his contributions to pragmatism and progressive education. Dewey believed that education should focus on practical experience and social interaction, emphasizing the importance of students actively engaging with their environment to learn effectively. His philosophy encouraged students to be inquisitive and explore, rather than passively receive information. Dewey's educational theories were put into practice at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, which he founded in 1896. He later became a professor at Columbia University, where he continued to influence educational thought. Dewey published numerous works, including "Democracy and Education" and "Experience and Nature," which remain influential in philosophy and education. His commitment to democracy and social reform was evident throughout his career, making him one of the most significant thinkers of the 20th century.