Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, boasting a vast collection of over 170 million items, including more than 34.5 million books and printed materials. Established in 1800 as a legislative library, it has evolved into a national and international institution. The library serves as the research arm of Congress and offers extensive resources to scholars, researchers, and the public. Its collection includes a wide range of materials, from historical documents to modern multimedia formats. The library's historical significance is underscored by its role in preserving American culture and democratic traditions. Key figures like Thomas Jefferson and Ainsworth Rand Spofford have shaped its development. The library operates across multiple buildings on Capitol Hill, including the Thomas Jefferson Building, John Adams Building, and James Madison Memorial Building. It also provides services such as the Surplus Books Program and the National Center for Library Service to the Blind and Physically Handicapped. The library's electronic resources are accessible worldwide through its website.