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"Logan" is a 2017 superhero drama film directed by James Mangold. Set in a dystopian future where mutants are nearly extinct, the movie follows an aging Logan (Hugh Jackman), whose healing abilities are waning due to the adamantium poisoning his body. He lives a quiet life in Mexico with Charles Xavier (Sir Patrick Stewart), who suffers from dementia, and Caliban (Stephen Merchant). Their lives are disrupted when they encounter Laura (Dafne Keen), a young mutant with powers similar to Logan's, who is being pursued by Transigen's forces. The film explores themes of mortality, legacy, and redemption as Logan, Laura, and Xavier embark on a perilous journey to a supposed safe haven called Eden. Along the way, they face formidable foes, including X-24, a clone of Logan. The movie culminates in a tragic yet fitting conclusion that marks Hugh Jackman's final appearance as Wolverine. The narrative is emotional and reflective, delving into Logan's violent past and his quest for peace and normalcy. The film's conclusion is both poignant and powerful, cementing Logan's legacy as a hero who sacrifices everything for those he cares about.