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Mediterranean Sea

Body of water


The Mediterranean Sea is a vast, semi-enclosed body of water situated between Europe, Africa, and Asia. It covers an area of approximately 970,000 square miles and has a maximum depth of about 16,762 feet. The sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Strait of Gibraltar and to the Black Sea through the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. The Suez Canal links it to the Red Sea. The Mediterranean is divided into two main basins: the western and eastern basins, separated by the Strait of Sicily. The Mediterranean is renowned for its rich biodiversity, hosting a mix of Atlantic and tropical species. It is a significant breeding ground for marine life, including the prized Atlantic bluefin tuna. Despite its oligotrophic nature, with low nutrient levels, the Mediterranean supports a diverse array of ecosystems. Its climate varies significantly between summer and winter, influencing marine life and productivity. The sea's historical significance is profound, having been a cradle of civilizations and a hub for trade and cultural exchange. Today, it remains a vital economic and ecological resource.