Memes are cultural items that spread rapidly across the Internet, often in the form of humorous images, videos, or text. They are a key component of internet culture, frequently using irony and intertextuality to convey complex cultural experiences. Memes can evolve quickly, adapting to new contexts through creative reproduction and remixing. This process involves mimicking or altering existing content, such as images or videos, to create new meanings or jokes. Memes often serve as in-jokes within specific online communities, fostering a sense of collective identity. The concept of memes was first introduced by Richard Dawkins in 1976 as units of cultural transmission. In the digital age, memes have become a ubiquitous part of online discourse, facilitated by social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. They can range from light entertainment to social commentary, sometimes incorporating elements from popular culture or political events. Despite their ephemeral nature, memes can have lasting impacts on internet culture and broader societal trends. They are frequently shared and modified, reflecting the dynamic and participatory nature of digital communication.