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Mr. Trash Wheel



Mr. Trash Wheel is an innovative trash interceptor located at the mouth of the Jones Falls river in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. It was invented by John Kellett in 2008, with a larger version launched in May 2014. This semi-autonomous device uses a combination of solar and hydro power to remove trash from the water. It features a 14-foot water wheel that powers a conveyor belt, which lifts debris into a dumpster on a floating barge. The system is designed to capture trash from below the surface using containment booms. Mr. Trash Wheel is part of the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore's "Healthy Harbor Initiative," aiming to make the harbor swimmable. It has become a social media sensation and a Baltimore landmark. The device can operate in tidal waterways and has been successful in removing millions of pounds of trash. Mr. Trash Wheel has inspired a family of similar devices, including Professor Trash Wheel and Captain Trash Wheel, collectively contributing to a cleaner environment in Baltimore.