Oligarchy is a system of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of individuals or families. This concentration of power often stems from wealth, influence, or other distinguishing characteristics such as nobility, military control, or religious authority. Unlike democracies, where power is distributed among the people, oligarchies typically prioritize the interests of the ruling elite over those of the general population. This can lead to significant disparities in wealth and influence, as policies often favor the privileged few. Historically, oligarchies have been criticized for their potential to undermine democratic principles and perpetuate inequality. They can manifest in various forms, including plutocracies, where wealth is the primary determinant of power. Oligarchic systems have been observed in both historical and contemporary contexts, affecting governance and societal dynamics profoundly. Understanding oligarchy is crucial for analyzing power structures and their impact on society, especially in contexts where democratic erosion is a concern.