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Peregrine Falcon

Animal species


The Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, is a powerful and fast-flying bird of prey renowned for its spectacular hunting dives. It is found on all continents except Antarctica and is one of the most widespread bird species globally. Peregrine Falcons are crow-sized, measuring 15-21 inches in length with a wingspan of about three feet. They have distinctive slate-gray wings, dark brown backs, and buff-colored undersides with dark bars. Peregrine Falcons primarily feed on other birds, using their sharp talons to capture prey during mid-air dives, reaching speeds of up to 200 mph. Historically, their populations declined drastically due to DDT poisoning, but conservation efforts and the ban on DDT have led to a significant recovery. Today, they thrive in various habitats, including urban environments where they nest on tall buildings. Their adaptability and impressive hunting skills make them a fascinating species.