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Plasma Universe Theory



The Plasma Universe Theory is a non-standard cosmological model that emphasizes the role of electromagnetic forces, such as electricity and magnetism, in shaping the universe. This theory diverges from the Big Bang model by suggesting that electromagnetic interactions are as crucial as gravity in determining the structure and evolution of the cosmos. Proponents argue that plasma, a state of matter composed of charged particles, is the dominant form of matter in the universe, influencing phenomena like galaxy formation and the behavior of celestial objects. This theory posits that the universe is eternal and continuously evolving, with matter created through processes like "Little Bangs" associated with quasars. It challenges conventional views by suggesting that electromagnetic forces can explain features of the universe, such as galaxy formation and the distribution of matter, without relying on dark matter or dark energy. While it offers alternative explanations for cosmic phenomena, the Plasma Universe Theory remains outside the mainstream scientific consensus due to its lack of empirical support and experimental validation.