Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future
"Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future" by Patricia Lustig is a practical guide designed for leaders to enhance their strategic planning and decision-making capabilities. The book focuses on exploring potential futures to inform present-day business strategies, helping organizations prepare for and capitalize on emerging trends. It delves into how to think about the future, addressing ambiguity and uncertainty, and provides models, tools, and maps for developing foresight skills. The book emphasizes identifying emerging trends, assessing their impact, and applying this knowledge to develop resilient strategies. It encourages a forward-thinking mindset, fostering a proactive approach to future uncertainties. By leveraging scenario planning and other foresight techniques, leaders can better navigate complex business environments and create "future-proof" business models. The book offers a hands-on approach, making it accessible and engaging for managers seeking to integrate strategic foresight into their business practices.