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The Structure of Scientific Revolutions



The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn is a landmark book in the history and philosophy of science. Published in 1962, it challenged the traditional view of scientific progress as a linear accumulation of facts. Instead, Kuhn proposed that science progresses through periodic revolutions, where new paradigms replace old ones, fundamentally altering the way scientists perceive and interact with the world. These paradigm shifts occur when anomalies within the existing paradigm become too significant to ignore, leading to a crisis that is resolved by adopting a new paradigm. Kuhn's work introduced the concept of "normal science," where scientists work within an established paradigm, solving puzzles and making incremental progress. However, when anomalies accumulate, they can precipitate a scientific revolution, leading to a new paradigm. This model highlights the role of sociology and human factors in scientific progress, contrasting with the view of science as purely rational and cumulative. The book's influence extends beyond science, offering insights into how knowledge and understanding evolve in various fields.