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Tiger Sharks

Animal species


Tiger sharks, scientifically known as Galeocerdo cuvier, are large, apex predators found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide. They are recognized by their distinctive tiger-like stripes, which fade as they mature. Adults can reach lengths of up to 18 feet and weigh over 1,400 pounds. Tiger sharks are known for their diverse diet, consuming a wide range of marine animals, including fish, sharks, rays, mammals, and even terrestrial debris. Their broad, wedge-shaped head and serrated teeth make them efficient predators. Tiger sharks play a crucial role in marine ecosystems by regulating prey populations, which indirectly helps protect habitats like seagrass. They are often found in shallow coastal waters, river estuaries, and coral reefs. Despite their importance, tiger sharks are listed as "Near Threatened" due to fishing pressures. They are targeted for their fins, flesh, and oil, and are also caught as bycatch. Tiger sharks are capable of long migrations and have large home ranges, making them highly adaptable and influential in their ecosystems. Their presence is significant both ecologically and economically, as they are sought after in recreational fisheries.