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Underwater Hockey



Hockey subacuático, also known as underwater hockey, is a unique and challenging sport that requires a combination of physical fitness, mental focus, and teamwork. Played at the bottom of a swimming pool, this sport involves a team of players using a special stick to maneuver a weighted puck across the pool floor, attempting to score goals against the opposing team. The game is played in a series of 15-minute quarters, with teams consisting of six players each, including a goalie. The physical demands of hockey subacuático are significant, requiring players to hold their breath for extended periods while swimming and maneuvering underwater. The sport also requires exceptional hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and communication skills, as players must work together to execute strategies and outmaneuver their opponents. With its unique blend of physicality, mental toughness, and teamwork, hockey subacuático is an exciting and rewarding sport that appeals to athletes and spectators alike.