Whooping Crane
Animal speciesAbout
The Whooping Crane (Grus americana) is the tallest bird native to North America, standing between 1.24 and 1.6 meters tall. Adults are white with a distinctive red crown and black wing tips visible in flight. Immature birds are cinnamon brown. They have a wingspan of up to 2.3 meters and weigh between 4.5 and 8.5 kilograms. Their diet includes plant tubers, crustaceans, small fish, insects, amphibians, and reptiles. Historically, Whooping Cranes were widespread across North America but declined drastically due to habitat loss and hunting. By the 1940s, only about 20 birds remained. Conservation efforts, including captive breeding and reintroduction programs, have increased their numbers to over 600 today. They are listed as endangered and are protected under the Endangered Species Act. Whooping Cranes migrate between Canada and Texas, with non-migratory populations in Florida and Louisiana. Their recovery is a testament to successful conservation strategies.