Major Scientific Advances Inspired by Science Fiction
Medical technologyThe Tricorder from *Star Trek* inspired the creation of portable medical scanners like the Scanadu Scout.

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3D Printed Organs
Biomedical technologyThe Replicator from *Star Trek* inspired advancements in 3D printing for medical use.

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Self-Driving Cars
Vehicle technologyThe driverless car KITT from *Knight Rider* inspired the development of autonomous vehicles.

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Humanoid Robots
RoboticsOsamu Tezuka's *Astro Boy* inspired the development of humanoid robots.

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Medical technologyScience fiction depictions of exoskeletons in films like *Aliens* and *Elysium* have inspired real-world exosuit development.

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Atomic Bomb
Nuclear technologyH.G. Wells's *The World Set Free* predicted and inspired the development of atomic bombs.

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Communications Satellites
TechnologyArthur C. Clarke's concept of using satellites for communication in his 1945 essay inspired the development of modern communications satellites.

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Liquid-Fueled Rockets
Space technologyH.G. Wells's *The War of the Worlds* inspired Robert H. Goddard to pursue rocketry.

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Smartphones and Smartwatches
Consumer electronicsThe communicators in *Star Trek* and Dick Tracy's video wristwatch prefigured modern smartphones and smartwatches.

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Transparent Human Cells
Biomedical technologyH.G. Wells's *The Invisible Man* inspired research into making materials invisible.

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