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Foot in the Door Technique



The Foot-in-the-Door (FITD) technique is a psychological persuasion strategy used to increase compliance with larger requests by first securing agreement to smaller ones. Developed by Jonathan Freedman and Scott Fraser in 1966, this method exploits the human tendency to maintain consistency in behavior and attitudes. By agreeing to an initial small request, individuals perceive themselves as more willing to assist, which enhances their likelihood of complying with subsequent larger requests. This technique is effective in various contexts, including sales, marketing, and social interactions. The FITD technique works by creating a self-perception of helpfulness or cooperation, encouraging individuals to act consistently with their initial actions. It is commonly used in marketing and sales to build customer commitment gradually. For instance, a marketer might first ask a customer to sign up for a newsletter and later request a purchase. The technique relies on voluntary initial actions to foster a sense of commitment and consistency, making it a powerful tool for persuasion and compliance.