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Hinduism, known as Sanatana Dharma, is one of the world's oldest living religions, with roots tracing back to the Indian subcontinent over 4,000 years ago. It encompasses a diverse array of philosophies and traditions, emphasizing discipline, morality, and self-realization. Hinduism is polytheistic, recognizing numerous deities that represent natural powers or moral values. Key concepts include karma and reincarnation, which guide the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as saṃsāra. Hinduism's core texts include the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas. It has no central authority and is practiced globally by over 1.2 billion adherents. Major denominations include Shaivism, Shaktism, Smartism, and Vaishnavism. Hindu practices involve devotion, worship, and meditation, aiming for liberation or moksha. The religion influences Indian culture deeply and is recognized for its timeless philosophical approaches to life.