Top Religions Influencing Human History
ReligionJudaism is the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, influencing Western ethics and culture, with about 14 million followers.

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ReligionHinduism is one of the oldest religions, influencing Indian culture and philosophy with concepts like karma and reincarnation, and over 1 billion followers.

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ReligionZoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions, influencing Middle Eastern cultures and ethics.

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PhilosophyConfucianism has shaped East Asian cultures with its teachings on ethics and governance, though it is often considered a philosophy.

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ReligionIslam has shaped Middle Eastern and North African cultures, with significant contributions to science and philosophy, and over 1.8 billion followers.

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ReligionChristianity has profoundly influenced Western culture, ethics, and institutions, with over 2 billion followers worldwide.

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ReligionSikhism has contributed to Indian culture and philosophy, emphasizing equality and justice, with over 25 million followers.
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PhilosophyTaoism has influenced Chinese culture and spirituality with its emphasis on harmony with nature.

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ReligionBuddhism has impacted Eastern cultures with its teachings on mindfulness and non-violence, and has over 500 million followers.

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ReligionShinto has shaped Japanese culture and spirituality, emphasizing nature and ancestral worship.

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