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Jamón Ibérico

Food product


Jamón Ibérico is a renowned delicacy originating from the Iberian Peninsula, primarily Spain and Portugal. It is crafted from the hind leg of Iberian pigs, known for their unique genetic ability to store fat in muscle tissue, which contributes to the ham's distinctive flavor and texture. The pigs are often raised in dehesas, oak forests where they feed on acorns, imparting a nutty and slightly sweet taste to the meat. This traditional method of production involves a meticulous curing and aging process that can last up to four years, enhancing the ham's rich, savory flavor. The quality of Jamón Ibérico is classified using a color-coded labeling system, with the highest grade being Jamón Ibérico de Bellota, made from 100% Iberian pigs fed exclusively on acorns. This type of ham is celebrated for its smooth texture and marbled appearance. Jamón Ibérico is typically served thinly sliced as a tapas or used in various dishes, often accompanied by wine or sherry. Its luxurious reputation and limited production make it a prized ingredient worldwide, with a rich cultural significance in Spanish cuisine.