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Martial art


Kendo is a highly disciplined and physically demanding Japanese martial art form, known as "the way of the sword." It originated from traditional Japanese sword fighting, or kenjutsu, and has evolved over centuries. Kendo practitioners use a bamboo sword called a shinai and protective armor, known as bōgu, to ensure safety during practice and competition. The armor includes a helmet (men), gloves (kote), chest protector (dō), and groin protector (tare). Kendo emphasizes both physical and mental discipline, focusing on character development through rigorous training. Kendo matches take place in a square area, typically between 9 to 11 meters, and involve scoring points by striking specific target areas on the opponent's armor. The practice is not only a competitive sport but also a traditional martial art that cultivates virtues such as respect, self-control, and perseverance. Kendo is widely practiced in Japan and has gained popularity globally, with international competitions like the World Kendo Championship. It remains deeply rooted in Japanese culture, embodying the values of Bushido, the way of the warrior.