Best Animated Films with Social and Political Criticism
The Lorax
MovieHighlights the dangers of corporate greed and environmental destruction.

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Inside Out
MovieExplores complex emotions like depression and sadness in a relatable manner.

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MovieA personal and historical account of the Iranian Revolution and its impact.

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The Lego Movie
Animated filmSatirically explores class issues and societal conformity.

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MovieCritiques consumerism and environmental degradation through a dystopian future.

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FernGully: The Last Rainforest
Animated filmAddresses environmental issues and the impact of human actions on nature.

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MovieAddresses systemic racism, social unrest, and stereotypes through a metaphorical animal society.

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The Hunchback of Notre Dame
MovieExplores themes of class, suppression, corruption, racism, and prejudice.

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MovieChallenges traditional gender roles and societal expectations.

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MovieTackles misogyny and gender-biased social norms through a historical context.

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