Cosmic Visions: Top Sci-Fi Films for Futurists
Blade Runner (1982)
MovieNeo-noir classic exploring humanity and artificial intelligence.

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Children of Men (2006)
MovieDystopian thriller on hope, humanity, and a world without children.

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AI Artificial Intelligence (2001)
MovieVisually stunning tale of a robot boy's quest for humanity.

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Ex Machina (2014)
MoviePsychological thriller delving into AI consciousness and ethics.

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Minority Report (2002)
FilmFuturistic thriller showcasing predictive policing and gesture-based interfaces.

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Solaris (2002)
MoviePhilosophical adaptation on consciousness, identity, and space exploration.

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Her (2013)
MovieIntimate drama on loneliness and the rise of AI companionship.

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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
MovieGroundbreaking epic on human evolution and technological advancement.

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Gattaca (1997)
MovieGenetic engineering and a future where DNA determines destiny.

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Arrival (2016)
MovieCerebral sci-fi exploring language, time, and interstellar communication.

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