Iconic Collections of Articles and Journalistic Chronicles
I.F. Stone’s Weekly
NewsletterA newsletter known for its investigative journalism, often uncovering stories through government documents and data analysis.

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The New Journalism
BookEdited by Tom Wolfe, this anthology is a seminal work in the New Journalism movement, featuring innovative storytelling techniques.

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The African-American Newspaper
BookPatrick S. Washburn’s historical account of the black press, highlighting its role in covering racial issues and empowering communities.

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Smiling Through the Apocalypse
BookA collection of Esquire’s landmark journalism from the 1960s, featuring notable writers like Gay Talese and Tom Wolfe.

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The Literary Journalists
BookEdited by Norman Sims, this collection highlights the work of literary journalists who blend narrative techniques with factual reporting.

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Library of America Classic Journalism Collection
Book collectionA collection of significant American journalism pieces, preserving the nation’s literary heritage and highlighting pivotal events.

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Extant Collections of Early Black Newspapers
Reference bookA research guide by Georgette Merritt Campbell documenting early black newspapers from 1880 to 1915.

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The Encyclopedia of American Journalism
Book collectionDonald Paneth’s encyclopedia covering all aspects of American journalism, including personalities, publications, and trends.

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Black Journals of the United States
BookWalter C. Daniel’s comprehensive guide to black magazines from 1827 to the 1980s, providing historical context and publication details.

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All the President’s Men
MovieA groundbreaking investigative journalism book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward that exposed the Watergate scandal.

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