Iconic Open Source Platforms
SoftwarePostgreSQL is a robust open-source database management system known for its reliability and data integrity.

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Software platformDocker revolutionized software deployment through containerization, enhancing scalability and efficiency.
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Mozilla Firefox
SoftwareMozilla Firefox is a free and open-source browser that offers numerous plugins and customization options.

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Operating systemLinux is the most widely used open-source operating system, powering servers, Android devices, and supercomputers.

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Software platformKubernetes is a leading platform for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications.

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Apache HTTP Server
SoftwareApache is a widely used web server known for its flexibility and scalability, supporting various programming languages.

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Apache Spark
Software frameworkApache Spark is a powerful open-source data processing engine used in data science and machine learning applications.

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SoftwareGit is an essential version control system that aids in tracking changes and coordinating work among developers.

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Programming languagePython is a versatile open-source language used in web development, data analysis, and machine learning.

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SoftwareTensorFlow is a popular open-source library for machine learning and AI, used in building and deploying ML models.

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