Iconic Political Conspiracies and Scandals
Iran-Contra Affair
Political scandalInvolved the secret sale of arms to Iran and the diversion of funds to support the Contras in Nicaragua, bypassing Congressional approval.

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Teapot Dome Scandal
Historical eventInvolved the leasing of oil fields without competitive bidding, leading to bribery and corruption under President Harding.

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Fujimori's Peru Scandal
Political scandalInvolved human rights abuses and embezzlement by former President Alberto Fujimori.

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Gürtel Case in Spain
Political scandalA major corruption scandal involving illicit donations and rigged government contracts.

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Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky Affair
Political scandalResulted in Clinton's impeachment due to perjury related to his affair with a White House intern.

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The Keating Five Scandal
Political scandalInvolved U.S. senators interfering in a federal investigation to protect a major campaign contributor.

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Scientology's Government Infiltration
ConspiracyInvolved espionage by Scientology members against U.S. government agencies in the 1970s.

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Operation Lava Jato
Political scandalA massive corruption investigation involving bribery and money laundering across multiple countries.

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The Whiskey Ring Scandal
Historical eventExposed bribery and tax evasion involving high-ranking officials in President Grant's administration.

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Watergate Scandal
Historical eventLed to the resignation of President Richard Nixon due to a cover-up involving the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

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