Iconic Security Breaches in Tech Companies
Adobe Data Breach
Cybersecurity eventInvolved over 38 million users and exposed source code for several products.

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Anthem Breach
Cybersecurity eventExposed personal data of 78.8 million customers, including Social Security numbers.

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MySpace Data Breach
Data breachExposed over 360 million user accounts, highlighting outdated security practices.

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Equifax Breach
Cybersecurity eventExposed sensitive information of over 147 million people, including Social Security numbers.

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Target Data Breach
Cyber attackCompromised credit and debit card information of over 70 million customers.

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JPMorgan Chase Breach
Cybersecurity eventExposed contact information of 76 million households and 7 million small businesses.

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Facebook Data Scraping
Data breachExposed data of 533 million users due to a vulnerability patched in 2019.

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Microsoft Exchange Server Breach
Cybersecurity eventAffected over 30,000 US businesses by exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities.

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Yahoo Data Breach
Data breachExposed over 3 billion user accounts, making it the largest data breach in history.

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Syniverse Data Breach
Data breachExposed 500 million records, including sensitive business information.

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