Major Advances in Medicine Saving Millions of Lives
Medical conceptAntibiotics revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections, saving hundreds of millions of lives.

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Medical conceptPasteurization has saved hundreds of millions of lives by reducing foodborne illnesses.

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Medical conceptVaccines have eradicated diseases like smallpox and polio, saving over a billion lives.

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Medical conceptAntiseptics significantly reduced postoperative infections, transforming surgical care.

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Toilets and Sanitation
ConceptImproved sanitation has saved over a billion lives by reducing disease transmission.

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Medical conceptInsulin transformed the management of diabetes, saving millions of lives.

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Organ Transplantation
Medical conceptOrgan transplantation has extended lives by replacing failing organs with healthy ones.

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Water Chlorination
Medical conceptWater chlorination has significantly reduced waterborne diseases, saving countless lives.

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Germ Theory
Medical conceptGerm theory has fundamentally changed our understanding of disease, leading to better treatments.

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Blood Transfusions
Medical procedureBlood transfusions have saved over a billion lives by providing critical blood supplies.

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