Most Divisive Legislation in Modern History
Affordable Care Act (2010)
PolicyImplemented healthcare reform in the United States

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Patriot Act (2001)
LegislationExpanded surveillance powers after 9/11

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Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (1996)
LegislationDefined marriage as between one man and one woman

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Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act (2010)
LegislationEnded ban on LGBTQ+ individuals in the US military

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Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (2003)
LegislationProhibited late-term abortion procedure

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USA Freedom Act (2015)
LegislationReformed NSA surveillance programs after Snowden leaks

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No Child Left Behind Act (2001)
LegislationImplemented standardized testing in US public schools

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Three Strikes Law (1994)
LegislationMandated life imprisonment for repeat offenders

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Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) (2011)
LegislationProposed anti-piracy law sparking internet censorship concerns

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Citizens United v. FEC (2010)
CaseAllowed corporate political spending as free speech

0 votes
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