Most Divisive Rulers in Human History
Idi Amin
PersonUgandan dictator infamous for human rights abuses and economic mismanagement

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Joseph Stalin
PersonSoviet Union's leader who orchestrated widespread purges and famine

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Mao Zedong
PersonChinese communist leader behind the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution

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Pol Pot
PersonCambodian dictator behind the brutal Khmer Rouge regime

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Genghis Khan
PersonMongol Empire's founder known for conquests and massacres

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Saddam Hussein
PersonIraqi dictator responsible for invading Kuwait and suppressing opposition

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Adolf Hitler
PersonNazi Germany's dictator responsible for WWII and the Holocaust

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Vlad the Impaler
PersonRuthless prince who inspired the legend of Dracula

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King Leopold II
PersonBelgian monarch who exploited and brutalized the Congo Free State

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Napoleon Bonaparte
PersonFrench emperor who rose to power through military conquests

0 votes
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