Most Heartbreaking Environmental Calamities in Indian History
Created byBillionhands · 0 votos
Bengal Famine (1943)
FamineResulted in 3 million deaths due to starvation and related diseases during World War II.

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Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984)
Industrial disasterConsidered the world's worst industrial disaster, causing thousands of immediate deaths and long-term health issues.

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Doji bara Famine (1791-1792)
FamineKnown as the 'Skull Famine', it claimed 11 million lives due to drought and British policies.

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Calcutta Cyclone (1737)
CycloneOne of the deadliest cyclones in history, killing over 300,000 people.

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2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
TsunamiCaused significant loss of life and destruction along the Indian coast.

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