Most Notable Banned Books in History
The Handmaid’s Tale
BookChallenged for its depiction of a dystopian society and sexual themes.

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Brave New World
BookBanned for its depiction of a dystopian society and themes of conformity.

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A Clockwork Orange
NovelBanned for its depiction of violence and dystopian themes.

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The Satanic Verses
BookBanned for its depiction of Islam, leading to a fatwa against the author.

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The Catcher in the Rye
BookBanned for profanity and themes of rebellion.

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Mein Kampf
BookBanned in several countries due to its promotion of Nazi ideology.

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
BookChallenged for its depiction of racism and use of the N-word.

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The Bible
BookBanned in various historical periods for religious reasons.

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To Kill a Mockingbird
BookChallenged for its depiction of racial issues and violence.

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BookBanned for its depiction of totalitarianism and government surveillance.

0 votes
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