Most Satisfying TV Series Finales
Tv seriesThe Island's mysterious and emotional conclusion

1 votes
Tv episodeSam and Diane's bittersweet goodbye

0 votes
The Office (US)
Tv seriesDwight's perfect goodbye to the Dunder Mifflin crew

0 votes
Tv showRoss and Rachel's iconic final kiss

0 votes
The Sopranos
Tv seriesAmbiguous ending sparks endless debate and interpretation.

0 votes
Tv showA finale that was 'no hugging, no learning'

0 votes
The Wire
Tv showA gritty and realistic conclusion to Baltimore's streets

0 votes
Breaking Bad
Tv seriesEmotional closure and justice for characters in final episode.

0 votes
Tv seriesGoodbye, Farewell and Amen: a historic finale

0 votes
Six Feet Under
Tv seriesA beautiful and poignant look at the characters' futures

0 votes
Friday Night Lights (Series Finale)
Tv showEmotional closure for characters, perfect ending to a beloved show.

0 votes
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