Most visited websites in the world
It's the most popular search engine in the world.

1 votes
OrganizationBillions of users access YouTube daily for entertainment and education.

1 votes
Instagram is a website with over 1 billion active users.

1 votes
Facebook is a highly trafficked social networking platform globally.

0 votes
CompanyHigh traffic volume and global online shopping dominance.

0 votes
ResourceWikipedia is a highly trafficked online encyclopedia and reference site.

0 votes
Huge user base and high daily traffic volumes.

0 votes
X (ex Twitter)
PlatformHuge user base and high daily traffic volume.

0 votes
CompanyBaidu is a popular Chinese search engine with massive traffic.

0 votes
WebsiteStill a popular email and news service provider globally.

0 votes
High traffic volume from professional networking and job searching.

0 votes
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